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Snakes & Ladders Board

This is a board based on 100 square, helpful for place value

Courtesy of

Click on the image, right click on the pop-up image and "Save As". Now you're ready to save, print and play!!

Games you can print and play!

Dots & Boxes- a Rake Favourite!

Download & print the dotty paper. Players take turns to join 2 dots with 1 line.  The player who completes a square can colour it in with his/her colour or write in initial.  The winner is the player with the highest number of squares.

Twinkle Twinkle

This has proved a popular pre-chess skill game from nRich. You can download and print the instructions here.

So simple- Noughts and Crosses!

This is a simple game that can be played and over.  When your child gets a bit older and wants more challenge, try playing with NUMBERS.  Instead of using x and o, write numbers in the grid.  The winner is the one who makes 3 in a row whereby the numbers total 15

Maths at Rake

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